[Pdns-users] dnsdist drops packet

Federico Olivieri lvrfrc87 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 14:22:23 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I have a raspberry that is running dnsdist with this configuration:

newServer{address="", pool="abuse"}
addPoolRule({"wpad.domain.name"}, "abuse")
webserver("", "supersecret")
carbonServer('', 'raspi-836', 30)

I don't know why, but on webserver I can see some packets dropped from the
primary server and I don't understand the reason why. There is not any
queries rate for that server


Do you have any idea why there are some dropped packets?

Also, I added this line of conf. I could see the queries to goolge but I
could see also the queries to a.root server. Seems that the command does
not overwrite the default one. Is it the aspect  behaviour?

newServer {address="", checkType="A", checkName="www.google.com.",

Last question: I added the carbon server. I can see the server on
https://metronome1.powerdns.com/ but no one graph is plotted

Thank you for your time.

BTW, dnsdist seems very useful and powerful!!!

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