[Pdns-users] AXFR chunk error: Server Not Authoritative for zone / Not Authorized

a b tripivceta at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 30 12:10:28 UTC 2015

The superslave reports thus:

pdns[1058]: Initiating transfer of '16.172.in-addr.arpa' from remote ''
pdns[1058]: Initiating transfer of 'dmz' from remote ''
pdns[1058]: Unable to AXFR zone '16.172.in-addr.arpa' from remote '' (resolver): AXFR chunk error: Server Not Authoritative for zone / Not Authorized
pdns[1058]: Unable to AXFR zone 'dmz' from remote '' (resolver): AXFR chunk error: Server Not Authoritative for zone / Not Authorized

However, the supermaster is:

- authoritative over the dmz zone;
- has the correct NS records (double-, triple-, and quadruple-checked);
- has the correct SOA records (double-, triple-, and quadruple-checked);
- answering all query (NS, SOA, A, PTR) types correctly.

All the zone_id numbers correctly match with the id fields in the "zones" table.
pdns_resolver is not installed nor configured to be queried in "pdns.conf".

I even compared the configuration to the internal DNS servers, and apart from different data, it all checks out.

After a week worth of troubleshooting, I am at a loss as to what the problem is.
Any hints?

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