[Pdns-users] soa-edit-api

Chris Haumesser chaumesser at plos.org
Tue Aug 18 17:27:15 UTC 2015

Does anyone have experience with using the rest api and soa-edit-api 

My understanding is that if SOA-EDIT-API is set to DEFAULT in 
domainmetadata, then the zone serial should automatically increment in 
YYYYMMDDNN format, every time I peform a CRUD operation on a record in 
the zone via the API.

This does not seem to work for me. When I add a new record via the API, 
the record's change_date in mysql is NULL, and the zone serial does not 

I am running pdns-server-3.4.1, backported from ubuntu-vivid to to run 
on ubuntu-trusty.

Any thoughts?


Chris Haumesser
Dev-Ops Engineer
Public Library of Science

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