[Pdns-users] Statistics with Observium

Ciro Iriarte cyruspy at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 00:56:22 UTC 2014

2014-10-10 16:39 GMT-03:00 Ciro Iriarte <cyruspy at gmail.com>:
> Hi!, anybody happens to collect stats with Observium?. Apparently in
> the past it had support for both the Authoritative and Recursive
> servers but as of today it's not working with Recursor 3.6.1.
> Ideas, comments?.
> Regards,
> --
> Ciro Iriarte
> http://iriarte.it
> --

Well, I remember having read this thread last year:


And as like that case, the PowerDNS code has the same issue. Deleting
the first backslash allowed the RRD files to be created. It also
bothers me the inconsistency given by the fix :P


Ciro Iriarte

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