[Pdns-users] Question about dyndns/rfc2136 with dhcpd

Marco de Booij marco.maillist at debooy.eu
Thu May 15 19:22:28 UTC 2014

I want my ISC DHCP server to update my PowerDNS. I did not install the 
bind utils so the dnssec-keygen is not present. I have a server in 
phase-out that has the utils installed so I generated the keys over 
there and copied both files to the server and continued the 
configuration. When I tested it the PowerDNS was not updated.

My question is if I need to install the bind utils on the server with 
PowerDNS to work or is this not needed. I know that I can install them 
and test it but I do not want to install packages I do not need. If not 
needed than I will need to search further.

pdns-server                           3.1-4.1
pdns-backend-pgsql            3.1-4.1
isc-dhcp-server                    4.2.2.dfsg.1-5+deb70u6



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