[Pdns-users] Auto serial

James Cloos cloos at jhcloos.com
Sat Jul 12 19:58:03 UTC 2014

I use postgres, 0 in the soa content, SOA-EDIT=INCEPTION-EPOCH, have
records.change_date default to now() as time_t and have a trigger to
update change_date whenever a row changes.

But that doesn't cover deleted rows.

I've generally updated the SOA's change_date when deletions occur, but
is there a record format I can use for a row which contributes to the
max(change_date) calculation w/o being queriable via dns?  AKA, not
part of an axfr?

James Cloos <cloos at jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 0x997A9F17ED7DAEA6

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