[Pdns-users] Recursor 3.6: DNS parser error "All data was not consumed"

Oli Schacher pdns at lists.wgwh.ch
Tue Aug 12 08:54:07 UTC 2014

On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:34:05 +0700
"Wijatmoko U. Prayitno" <koko at crypto.my.id> wrote:

> > MX      30 aspmx5.googlemail.com.\032. 
> "\032"? copy paste error??

This is actually what dig returns, I didn't notice that - thanks! I'll
let the admin of the zone know.

If this is the cause for the error I'm wondering if recursor 3.6 is
somehow stricter in parsing the results. Shouldn't it return SRVFAIL
instead of just timing out?

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