[Pdns-users] Refusing Unknown Zones

Scott Wilcox scott at dor.ky
Mon May 6 13:42:59 UTC 2013

There was actually no need for this, just a misunderstanding on my part.

Everything is working super.

Thanks for the reply Peter.

On 6 May 2013, at 07:58, Peter van Dijk <peter.van.dijk at netherlabs.nl> wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> On May 4, 2013, at 18:31 , Scott Wilcox wrote:
>> I've got PowerDNS set up using a MySQL backend and it's responding to zones I've added in without issue.
>> The only configuration that I can't seem to find is making PowerDNS reply with REFUSED instead of NOERROR for unknown zones.
>> Is is possible to make PowerDNS do this?
> No, this is not (currently) possible. Why do you want this?

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