[Pdns-users] Testing master functionality on ldap backend

Nikolaos Milas nmilas at admin.noa.gr
Fri Mar 22 12:32:57 UTC 2013

On 22/3/2013 9:11 πμ, Ruben d'Arco wrote:

> This is by design and not specific to the ldap backend.
> Powerdns simply receives the nameservers from the backend and starts resolving the name to ip addresses.
> If that name has multiple ip addresses (v6 or v4), notifies will be send to all of them.
> There is a ticket open for this and a patch:
> http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/ticket/454


The tracker appears to indicate 3.2 as a target version for:


and for the related:


but apparently neither was included therein.

I guess they are planned to be included in the next version?


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