[Pdns-users] Power Dns Server As A Domain Name Registry(Parent Name Server)

Michael Loftis mloftis at wgops.com
Wed Jul 24 04:22:53 UTC 2013

You're making several mistakes in setting up your delegation.  First
you've included an SOA in your PowerDNS records.  Start Of Authority
is exactly that.  The etc zone needs to have only NS records and (if
necessary) A glue records inside of the delegating server. The PDNS
server is being given a record that indicates *IT* has authority for
the forum.etc zone.  Secondly you delegate to ns1.forum.etc but
forum.etc has ns1. as it's listed delegate, which would be a
zone/record that would not exist.  Either add glue, or change that to
correctly read ns1 or ns1.forum.etc. (note the trailing dot, VERY
important)  The PDNS server may also need an SOA for etc as well as
depending on the resolver/resolver lib being used you might even need
to have delegation in your PDNS for . (the root).

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:19 PM, Önem Özgülgen <onemozgulgen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Ip Address Of PowerDNS Server with MySQL Backend(Both Authoritative and
> Recursive) :
> Ip Address Of Bind9 Server:
> Here's the MySQL dump of domains table;
> mysql> select * from domains;
> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> | id | name | master | last_check | type   | notified_serial | account |
> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> |  5 | etc  | yes    |          1 | master |               1 | vixen   |
> +----+------+--------+------------+--------+-----------------+---------+
> 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
> Here's the MySQL dump of records table;
> mysql> select * from records;
> +----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+
> | id | domain_id | name          | type | content         | ttl  | prio |
> change_date |
> +----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+
> | 41 |         5 | forum.etc     | NS   | ns1.forum.etc   |    1 |    1 |
> 1 |
> | 43 |         5 | ns1.forum.etc | A    | |    1 |    1 |
> 1 |
> | 39 |         5 | forum.etc     | SOA  | 45325325325     |    1 |    1 |
> 1 |
> +----+-----------+---------------+------+-----------------+------+------+-------------+
> 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Here's the records file input for the master zone of forum.etc created in
> Bind9 Server;
> $ttl 38400
> forum.etc.    IN    SOA    ns1. info.forum.etc. (
>             1374623190
>             10800
>             3600
>             604800
>             38400 )
> forum.etc.    IN    NS    ns1.
> ns1             IN      A
> www             IN      A
> After i've replaced my pc's dns server ip to PowerDns Server, here's the
> nslookup dump for both forum.etc and ns1.forum.etc;
> C:\Users\vixen>nslookup forum.etc
> Server:    static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net
> Address:
> Name: forum.etc
> C:\Users\vixen>nslookup ns1.forum.etc
> Server: static-151-241-132-188.sadecehosting.net
> Address:
> Name: ns1.forum.etc
> Address:
> On the web browser of my pc, when i typed http://ns1.forum.etc i'm getting
> an Apache test page of the Bind9 Server and it' ok.
> But, if i type http://www.forum.etc it can't connect to the ip address which
> i've added in zone records of Bind9 Server.
> If you need anything more, please let me know.
> Thanks.
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