[Pdns-users] question about NS mistmatches, how it affects?

Peter van Dijk peter.van.dijk at netherlabs.nl
Tue Jul 9 06:20:55 UTC 2013

Hello Alex,

On Jul 9, 2013, at 1:00 , Alex Flex wrote:

> dig epochdns.com ns +trace
> That yields that the domains nameservers as pointed in the registry is ns1./ns2/ns3/ns4.dns-dns-dns.tk   but the actual nameservers in the zone file differs.
> The domain resolves perfectly well.. my question is what real life issues can that generate if any?
> Is it critical to change it, or just a warning?

The dominion nameservers do not exist at all; this is a problem. If a resolver happens to learn that NS set (which is unlikely because the *.tk boxes send minimal responses, but it can still happen), your domain will be dead to those resolvers.

Also, having two entirely different NS sets like this is a violation of DNS specifications. Don't do it.

Kind regards,
Peter van Dijk
Netherlabs Computer Consulting BV - http://www.netherlabs.nl/

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