[Pdns-users] Received a malformed qdomain from

Wendel Ferreira wendelmineiro89 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 14:22:25 UTC 2013

Hi Stefan,

I understood. I'll try to contact the developers.

Thank you everybody

2013/7/1 Stefan Schmidt <zaphodb at zaphods.net>

> Hey there,
> On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 3:28 PM, Wendel Ferreira <wendelmineiro89 at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Please, could you help me about the error bellow?
>> # tailf /var/log/messages
>> Jul  1 10:20:43 ascsrv-dns3-fe01 pdns[2347]: Received a malformed qdomain
>> from, 'http://www.hospitalalemao.org.br': sending servfail
>  The message means that is asking for the qname '
> http://www.hospitalalemao.org.br' which obviously is malformed as the
> characters ':' and '/' are not allowed in DNS and hence PowerDNS is
> responding with a SERVER FAILURE message.
> Usually bad code is responsible for malformed queries like that.
> Usually not much you can do about it unless you are also in control of
> these clients.
>  Stefan
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