[Pdns-users] Automatically delete zones that are deleted on Supermaster

Andrea Cappelli a.cappelli at asidev.com
Wed Oct 31 19:23:08 UTC 2012

Il 31/10/2012 10:00, Peter van Dijk ha scritto:
> I responded to that about 10 hours after you first asked it. Was 
> anything in my response unclear? Kind regards, 

Hello Peter,
instead of adding the requested feature to PowerDNS, is possible to add 
2 feautures to pdns_control:

1) pdns_control list_domains, which will return all domains managed by 

2) pdns_control delete $domain, which will perform the zone deletion

These two function will help in construct script (like the one proposed 
by Mark Scholten or similar in bash) without rely on the backend (Mike 
Scholten scriptis for mysql, but other backends exists)

Do you think this will be useful and will match your first reply?

Best regards

Andrea Cappelli
Asidev s.r.l.

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