[Pdns-users] Automatically delete zones that are deleted on Supermaster

Mark Scholten mark at streamservice.nl
Tue Oct 30 00:13:20 UTC 2012

> Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 3:17 PM
> Op 29-10-12 15:03, Peter van Dijk schreef:
> > Hello, On Oct 29, 2012, at 9:35 , Peter van Dijk wrote:
> >> Depending on your needs, you could write a script to do the cleanup
> >> yourself. The last_check column is a decent indicator of master
> >> uptime, in the current implementation. Note that THIS MIGHT CHANGE.
> > If someone happens to have, or intends to write, such a script, we
> > would be happy to put it in our contrib/ dir and include something in
> > the docs about it.
> In 2010 Mark Scholten posted such a script on the list. It can be found
> in the archives:
> http://mailman.powerdns.com/pipermail/pdns-users/2010-July/006866.html
> I've used the script (in testmode first) and works for me as well.

Hello Ton,

We use a slightly changed version in production at this moment. It now also
removes domain data in other (mainly DNSSEC related) tables. I will check it
tomorrow (combined with the extra information from Peter to what record also
can be checked) and after that I will send a new version to the list.

Kind regards,

Mark Scholten

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