[Pdns-users] check your ticket: PowerDNS Authoritative 3.2 release work commencing

bert hubert bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl
Thu Oct 4 12:01:01 UTC 2012

Hi everybody,

We're starting work on the PowerDNS Authoritative 3.2 release process. It is
still a while off, but it promises to be a worthwhile release. 

If you've ever opened a ticket for the Authoritative Server, please check
back on http://wiki.powerdns.com/trac/report/9 to see if anything changed. A
number of tickets are left hanging with open questions.

In 3.2, we're including all the improvements that made the 1.2 million
DNSSEC zones in The Netherlands possible. We thank all registrars that
worked with us in achieving this milestone, many of the improvements came
from them!

You can do your bit too by going through any of the open tickets you may
have and updating them, especially if we added a question to your ticket.


PowerDNS Website: http://www.powerdns.com/
PowerDNS Community Website: http://wiki.powerdns.com/
PowerDNS is supported and developed by Netherlabs: http://www.netherlabs.nl

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