[Pdns-users] Debian Squeeze/Wheezy packages for 3.1-svn

Brielle Bruns bruns at 2mbit.com
Fri Mar 23 21:17:34 UTC 2012

Hello All,

It was suggested I throw this on the list for those who might be interested.

I've got pdns 3.1 svn packages from svn up in my deb repo.  Depending on 
if you run squeeze or wheezy, put in /etc/apt/sources.list or 

deb http://deb.sosdg.org/debian sosdg-squeeze main

deb http://deb.sosdg.org/debian sosdg-wheezy main

Run apt-get update, then you can install the packages.  If you need to 
force it, use for example:

apt-get install pdns-server=3.1-0.1

(or whatever the current pre version is).

There's no wheezy i386 atm, but I plan to remedy that this weekend.

These are the same packages I use on my own dns servers 

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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