[Pdns-users] Per zone settings aka Domain Metadata

Gerrit gerrit at nedlinux.nl
Mon Jun 25 10:21:47 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I'm a bit stuck on this point where i want to use the SOA-EDIT setting.

It's a very handy to force a regular update of the slaves. We use pdns 
3.1 as master and 2 installs of bind 9.7 as slaves

With testing i discoverd two things when i enabled this on a testdomain 
of mine.  Setting : SOA-EDIT  --> INCEPTION.

-- When our own SOA serial ( yyyymmddxx where xx is incremented every 
record change on a single day ) is higher than the one provided
by PDNS, the bind slaves won't get updated.  In my case it was 
2012062400 in my SOA and  2012062101 provided by pdns.

-- When a record in a zone is changed, the SOA serial does not change, 
so again no update of the slaves.
This would mean, that a slave won't get updated until pdns increments 
the SOS serial, with the result it can take quite a while before the 
slaves get updated, which is unwanted.

With the database backend ( we use gmysql ) with db-replication, it 
won't be a problem to overcome these things, but in my case, it's a bit 
more difficult ;)

I don't know if the SOA behavior is intended behaviour, or is it open 
for some rewriting the base ?

Best Regards,


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