[Pdns-users] Exiting due to SQL error

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Mon Jul 16 15:24:15 UTC 2012


Today I messed up the Postgresql database and noticed that pdns 
(3.1.2607) restarted:

Jul 16 14:33:33 cc pdns[30747]: Exiting because communicator thread died 
with error: GSQLBackend unable to refresh domain_id 2772751: PostgreSQL 
failed to execute command: ERROR:  permission denied for ...
Jul 16 14:33:34 cc pdns[553]: Our pdns instance exited with code 0
Jul 16 14:33:34 cc pdns[553]: Respawning

Is it the defined behavior on SQL errors to restart the pdns process?

Further, after several restarts I found out that the control socket did 
not worked anymore (pdns_control commands never completed) and I had to 
manually kill and re-start PDNS.


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