[Pdns-users] Some fixes

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Tue Sep 13 12:01:08 UTC 2011

1. http://doc.powerdns.com/all-settings.html misses "query-local-address6":

Also you should add it to pdns/pdns.conf-dist, e.g.:

# query-local-address6  Source IP address for sending IPv6 queries
# query-local-address6=2001:DB8::2

2. http://doc.powerdns.com/generic-mypgsql-backends.html

tells: "Native	Yes - but PostgreSQL does not replicate"

I think that's not true anymore. E.g. it works fine with Slony.

3. debian-pdns/control

Change "Build-Depends" 'postgresql-dev' to 'libpq-dev'

Replace for all backend dependencies:
  pdns (= ${dpkg:Version})
  pdns (= ${binary:Version})


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