[Pdns-users] Bind Master, PDNS Slave Notifies being ignored.

Dave Strydom strydom.dave at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 07:00:10 UTC 2011


I have a Bind Master and a PDNS Slave (pdns-static_3.0-1).

When a zone is updated on the bind master and the SOA incremented,
bind sends out notifies to the PDNS server.

Nov 24 08:35:10 psk named[20149]: zone testpdns.com/IN: loaded serial 2011112406
Nov 24 08:35:10 psk named[20149]: zone testpdns.com/IN: sending
notifies (serial 2011112406)

Nov 24 08:51:00 psk named[20149]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Nov 24 08:51:00 psk named[20149]: zone testpdns.com/IN: loaded serial 2011112407
Nov 24 08:51:00 psk named[20149]: zone testpdns.com/IN: sending
notifies (serial 2011112407)

The problem is that the PDNS slave does not seem to accept or
acknowledge these notifies and update the zone, it only updates the
zone once the SOA Refresh time is reached? It's like these notifies
are just being ignored.

Is there something special i need to turn on to make pdns accept or
acknowledge notifies?


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