[Pdns-users] specifying more complex sql queries with gmysql back-end

Tom tom at t0mb.net
Fri Nov 11 14:59:56 UTC 2011

Greetings list,

With reference to specifying the queries I want to use for the gmysql 
back-end - for instance : gmysql-basic-query=

Am I right in thinking that in the pdns configuration file, I'm not 
going to be able to specify a query with references the name and query 
type multiple times?  I've just realised that the first time you use %s 
you're referencing the type, and the second time, the name.  Is there 
anything I can do to specify more complex queries (which repeat both 
type and name more than once)?

I understand I could be using stored procedures, but due to MySQLs 
unique implementation, the results of stored procedures are not cached, 
and nor are the results of queries within the procedures, and that's 
proving to be a real problem for me!

Many regards.  Tom.

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