[Pdns-users] sql schema

Posner, Sebastian s.posner at telekom.de
Tue Jun 28 14:24:07 UTC 2011

Thomas Andrews wrote:

> Can anybody point me at some documentation about what is supposed to go
> into the various fields in the db?
> Specifically what is the purpose of the 'domains' table?
> In the 'records' table, I understand what the obvious fields are, but
> what is 'domain_id', 'prio', and 'change_date' used for?
> Also, what is the purpose of the 'supermasters' table?

I would recommend viewing the Oracle backend's section about the database scheme


Most content/field names are identical; only table "domains" is called "zones" here for what I can see.

But it's a point; the backends' database schemes seem to suffer from DIC-Syndrome*.

*: http://www.iks-jena.de/mitarb/lutz/usenet/Fachbegriffe.der.Informatik.html#311 (german)

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