[Pdns-users] Delegating a subdomain with DNSsec fails if child and parent zone are on same server

Jan-Piet Mens jpmens.dns at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 16:40:08 UTC 2011

> If both parent domain and child domain are hosted within the same instance of
> PowerDNS (with mysql backend), I fail because PowerDNS refuses to serve me the
> DS of the subzone.
> dig +multiline +dnssec ds sales.securename.nl @dnssec-auth-bis.mer-nm.internl.net      -> Fails, only NSEC3 output

I can reproduce this with r2177: PowerDNS does not serve the DS record.

        $ dig +norec @ sales.p02.bb ds
        ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 50473
        ;; flags: qr aa; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

        ;sales.p02.bb.                  IN      DS

        sales.p02.bb.           60      IN      SOA     localhost. me.localhost.  2156 7200 3600 86400 3600


	SELECT * FROM records WHERE domain_id = 16 AND type = 'DS';
	*************************** 1. row ***************************
	         id: 316609
	  domain_id: 16
	       name: sales.p02.bb
	       type: DS
	    content: 1894 8 1 245aa49deaf8748c9e82ded70b068a4168a1e6a5
	        ttl: 60
	       prio: 0
	change_date: NULL
	  ordername: aaoh699ush9m2j205jb5kbb9nfgod1k5
	       auth: 0
	*************************** 2. row ***************************
	         id: 316610
	  domain_id: 16
	       name: sales.p02.bb
	       type: DS
	    content: 1894 8 2 1da6d49bf6dd66c0cd81ba228bc661c20e46ed6e27b328d4cc34ed9d4581fa5c
	        ttl: 60
	       prio: 0
	change_date: NULL
	  ordername: aaoh699ush9m2j205jb5kbb9nfgod1k5
	       auth: 0
	2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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