[Pdns-users] Failed to execute mysql_query, Unknown column 'auth' in 'field list'

Maik Zumstrull maik at zumstrull.net
Wed Nov 17 08:24:31 UTC 2010

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 09:06, Marc Haber <mh+pdns-users at zugschlus.de> wrote:

>> This is a new column introduced in the reference database schema for
>> DNSsec.
> Thanks for that heads-up. I am now trying 2.9.22.x.3.
> Is there any possibility to run an svn PowerDNS with old database
> schema? Changing the database schema will be a major effort.

Override all queries in the config file with custom ones that fake the
auth column, ie SELECT foo, bar, 1 FROM etc, a fixed true value where
auth would be. Don't install any DNSsec signing keys so it will never
attempt to make DNSsec-specific queries, don't try to have pdns order
the zone (which is also a DNSsec thing and assumes the new schema).

That should work with current trunk. I can't say if it will be a
supported mode of operation when DNSsec is released, the backend API
and schema for DNSsec aren't finalized yet (I think. ahu?).

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