[Pdns-users] API to manager PDNS server

Rudolph Bott rb at knurps.org
Wed Jun 9 13:12:11 UTC 2010


if you haven't done already you should switch to a database backend like
MySQL or Postgres etc. instead of plain old zone files - that way it should
become very easy to write your own scripts to manage your zones and
records. Besides, there are already several web interfaces out there to
help you manage your data easily. A quick search for 'powerdns' on sf.net
should provide you with several possible frontends. Give it a try!

just a hint: powerdns provides tools to import bind-style zone files into
a sql database - that way it does not take a huge effort to migrate to a
database backend.

On Tue, 8 Jun 2010 17:01:56 +0000 (GMT), fredj toukebri
<toukebri_fredj at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> hi all,
> i recently migrate our DNS platform to PDNS servers, for provisionning i
> need to develop Perl scripts to manage zone reccords, etc ...
> any help

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen / with kind regards
  Rudolph Bott

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