[Pdns-users] Odd master/slave behavior for large domains

Kenneth Marshall ktm at rice.edu
Fri Sep 11 13:07:17 UTC 2009

Hi Thomas,

I have read your post and your transfer problem is caused by
the OOM killer. You should not be running out of memory on
a database server. That is the first problem. Regarding
the AXFR transfers when PDNS is a slave, the process used
is to delete all the records in the zone and then re-insert
the new set of records retrieved from the PDNS master. For
an MVCC database like PostgreSQL this is a very expensive
process, particularly for a large zone since IXFR transfers
are not yet supported by PDNS.

We also use PostgreSQL as the backend database for PDNS. To
work around the lack of support for incremental updates, I
wrote a patch to the PDNS software to add an additional hook
to the database interface called gpgsql-commit-zone-axfr-query.
I posted a patch to the PDNS list several years ago and it is
still valid for the MySQL and PostgreSQL DB backends. The
purpose of this hook is to allow a user-defined SQL command
to be used to commit the records that have been received by
the PDNS slave to the DB backend. The default value of this
parameter is "COMMIT;", which is the hard-coded command that
is used in the plugins.

With the ability to control the SQL statement used to commit
the new zone information and custom definitions for gpgsql-
elete-zone-query and gpgsql-insert-record-query you can cause
the AXFR transfers to use a temp table for staging and then
only update the changed records in the actual table. Here are
the definitions that we are currently using in our pdns.conf:

#Update AXFR queries to use stage table for staging
gpgsql-delete-zone-query=CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stage (id INT, domain_id INT, name VARCHAR(255), type VARCHAR(6), content VARCHAR(255), ttl INT, prio INT) ON COMMIT DROP; PREPARE axfrinsert (varchar, int, int, varchar, int, varchar) AS INSERT INTO stage (content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name) VALUES ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6);

gpgsql-insert-record-query=EXECUTE axfrinsert ('%s',%d,%d,'%s',%d,'%s');

gpgsql-commit-zone-axfr-query=CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE axfrvars (name VARCHAR(6), value INT) ON COMMIT DROP; \
INSERT INTO axfrvars (name, value) VALUES ('domain', %d); \
DELETE FROM records \
WHERE domain_id = \
    (SELECT value FROM axfrvars WHERE name = 'domain') AND \
      records.id NOT IN \
          (SELECT records.id FROM records INNER JOIN stage \
           USING (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio)); \
INSERT INTO records (domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio) \
SELECT domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio FROM stage \
WHERE stage.domain_id = \
    (SELECT value FROM axfrvars WHERE name = 'domain') EXCEPT \
        SELECT domain_id, name, type, content, ttl, prio from records \
        WHERE records.domain_id = \
            (SELECT value FROM axfrvars WHERE name = 'domain'); \

I included a couple of simpler variations in my original post
as well as the version we use in production. I was unable to
make a convincing case with the developer to get this commit-hook
added in to the default code so I have been re-patching ever since
because of the huge performance improvements offered in the absence
of IXFR support. My C++ coding ability is not at the level needed
to add that support. The use of this patch increased the speed of
large zone AXFRs by more than an order of magnitude. Let me know
if you have any questions. I think that shutting your OOM off will
solve your AXFR transfer failure, but you will need my patch to
get "reasonable" zone AXFR performance.


On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:14:18PM -0600, thomas morgan wrote:
> I'm seeing some odd behavior in a traditional master and slave setup.
> Both the master and slave are PowerDNS. I've tried and 2.9.22 and 
> seem to get the same results. Memory usage and other figures below are from 
> 2.9.22.
> The backends are Postgres 8.3. Servers are amd64 Debian Lenny.
> I created a single zone on the server and added 2 million host records. I 
> know that's a bunch, but it is a specific use case, not just an attempt to 
> break things.
> Oddity #1:
> The master seems to send 3-4 NOTIFYs when the zone is updated -- at least 
> the slave is reporting in the logs to have received multiple NOTIFYs. 
> They're pretty consistently spaced: in several instances, 4 NOTIFYs with 
> intervals 3sec, 5sec, 9sec.
> Oddity #2:
> The slave, upon receiving multiple NOTIFYs, initiates multiple AXFRs for 
> the same zone. For a small zone this wouldn't be a big deal, but for a 
> large zone it's fatal.
> Oddity #3:
> The master consumes a *huge* amount of RAM to do each AXFR: 283 MB worth 
> per AXFR. Memory usage on the slave seems tolerable though.
> Oddity #4:
> If an AXFR doesn't finish properly, the memory is never released. I've 
> managed to reproduce this using dig to perform the AXFR as well.
> Strangely dig dies after 8600 records when piped to less, but makes it 
> through all 2 million when piped to wc or just output to the terminal. This 
> might be dig's problem, but it does make it easy to cause #4. The final 
> line of dig's output when it fails is ";; communications error: end of 
> file". When the AXFR completes, the log includes "AXFR of domain 'h0.com' 
> to 64.<client> finished". When it doesn't (and memory isn't freed), this 
> message never shows up.
> I cannot tell, but it's possible the slave is eventually figuring out it 
> has multiple transfers for the same zone going and aborts them. The logs 
> (included at the bottom) give mixed readings on this (between the master 
> and slave). It may also be the master puking and closing the connection.
> On my test servers things usually end when the oomkiller rears its ugly 
> head. ;)
> The combination of these becomes a significant problem. #1 causes #2 when 
> then multiplies the effect of #3. #2 also increases the likelihood of #4.
> Anything I'm missing or that I can do to help figure out what's wrong? Some 
> logs are included below; they are not identical in every case, but this is 
> representative.
> --t
> Master server:
> Sep 11 02:07:45 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: 1 domain for which we are 
> master needs notifications
> Sep 11 02:07:45 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Queued notification of domain 
> 'h0.com' to 64.<master>
> Sep 11 02:07:45 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Queued notification of domain 
> 'h0.com' to 64.<slave>
> Sep 11 02:07:45 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Received NOTIFY for h0.com 
> from 64.<master> which is not a master
> Sep 11 02:07:46 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Received unsuccesful 
> notification report for 'h0.com' from 64.<master>, rcode: 5
> Sep 11 02:07:46 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Removed from notification 
> list: 'h0.com' to 64.<master>
> Sep 11 02:07:46 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: AXFR of domain 'h0.com' 
> initiated by 64.<slave>
> Sep 11 02:07:46 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:07:48 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: No master domains need 
> notifications
> Sep 11 02:08:13 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: AXFR of domain 'h0.com' 
> initiated by 64.<slave>
> Sep 11 02:08:13 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:08:23 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: AXFR of domain 'h0.com' 
> initiated by 64.<slave>
> Sep 11 02:08:25 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:08:33 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: AXFR of domain 'h0.com' 
> initiated by 64.<slave>
> Sep 11 02:08:34 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:09:21 pdns-master-test pdns[4156]: Communicator thread died 
> because of error: GSQLBackend unable to retrieve list of slave domains: 
> PostgreSQL failed to execute command: server closed the connection 
> unexpectedly#012#011This probably means the server terminated 
> abnormally#012#011before or while processing the request.
> (The last line is where oomkiller decided to kill off postgres.)
> Slave server:
> Sep 11 02:07:45 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Received valid NOTIFY for 
> h0.com (id=1) from master 64.<master>: 1252634826 > 1252632174
> Sep 11 02:07:46 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:07:48 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Received valid NOTIFY for 
> h0.com (id=1) from master 64.<master>: 1252634826 > 1252632174
> Sep 11 02:07:51 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: AXFR started for 'h0.com', 
> transaction started
> Sep 11 02:07:53 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Received valid NOTIFY for 
> h0.com (id=1) from master 64.<master>: 1252634826 > 1252632174
> Sep 11 02:08:02 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Received valid NOTIFY for 
> h0.com (id=1) from master 64.<master>: 1252634826 > 1252632174
> Sep 11 02:08:13 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Unable to AXFR zone 'h0.com': 
> Remote nameserver closed TCP connection
> Sep 11 02:08:13 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Aborting possible open 
> transaction for domain 'h0.com' AXFR
> Sep 11 02:08:13 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:08:23 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Unable to AXFR zone 'h0.com': 
> Timeout waiting for answer from 64.<master> during AXFR
> Sep 11 02:08:23 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:08:33 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Unable to AXFR zone 'h0.com': 
> Timeout waiting for answer from 64.<master> during AXFR
> Sep 11 02:08:33 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: gpgsql Connection succesful
> Sep 11 02:08:43 pdns-slave-test pdns[4379]: Unable to AXFR zone 'h0.com': 
> Timeout waiting for answer from 64.<master> during AXFR
> (nothing more until the master's postgres daemon was restarted)
> The correlation between the "AXFR initated" on the master and the "Timeout 
> waiting for answer" on the slaves is strange too.
> --
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