[Pdns-users] RBL Anyone?

Curtis Maurand curtis at maurand.com
Wed Oct 14 18:09:08 UTC 2009

so I'm assuming that my zone would be named something like rbl.mydomain.com
and then each IP address that I would block would have an ip address of

insert into records (domain_id, name, type,  content)  values  
('<zone_id>',  '' , 'A', '')

Is this correct?

Its a given that I would periodically have to purge, but I'd rather have 
the system check against the localhost, then zen.spamhaus.org, then others.

Tyler Hall wrote:
> Yes, it works, why wouldn't it?  RBLs just do DNS lookups and look for 
> an answer.
> OT -- The only problem with having your own RBL is when will you know 
> to remove the listing?  You will end up blocking people longer then 
> they should be.    I've been in spamhaus before on accident, if I 
> emailed you during that time, I'd never be able to email you again 
> unless you plan on flushing out the table every few days.   Just think 
> about the stuff like that.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Curtis Maurand <curtis at maurand.com 
> <mailto:curtis at maurand.com>> wrote:
>     Has anyone ever used PDNS to host an internal RBL.  I'd like to
>     cut down my traffic to spamhaus before I have to start paying them
>     a big fee.  I can harvest addresses from a mail log and put them
>     into a zone with an A record of
>     --Curtis
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