[Pdns-users] Weird issues between host and dig

Tyler Hall tyler at tylerhall.net
Thu Jun 4 19:58:08 UTC 2009

Hello -

I'm having a weird problem with wildcards and differences on outputs
received between dig and host.

If i run dig, I get the correct answer, while host servfails.

Here are the two records in question:

mysql> select name,type,content from records where name like '%
| name                                     | type  |
| *.schulhausplate.ch                      | CNAME |
| schulhausplate.ch                        | A     |                                                             |

I have the following set in pdns.conf;


Here is the sql query that is being ran when I do both dig and host;

45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where name='asfasklfjahfkjhas.schulhausplate.ch'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where type='SOA' and name='asfasklfjahfkjhas.schulhausplate.ch'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where type='SOA' and name='schulhausplate.ch'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where name='*.schulhausplate.ch'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where name='schulhausplate.ch.'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where type='SOA' and name='schulhausplate.ch.'
45 Query       select content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,name from records
where type='SOA' and name='ch.'

If I'm reading the pdns code correctly, if wildcards is enable it should
also do a host is like sql statement, no?

$ dig asdf.schulhausplate.ch @ns5.us CNAME
asdf.schulhausplate.ch. 3600    IN      CNAME   schulhausplate.ch.

What is weird though is that pdns servfails according to tcpdump, but dig
still responds correctly;

15:52:05.186041 IP 209.234.247.xx.36426 > 72.249.105.xx.domain:  15897+
CNAME? asdf.schulhausplate.ch. (40)
15:52:05.187325 IP 72.249.105.xx.domain > 209.234.247.xx.36426:  15897
ServFail- 1/0/0 CNAME[|domain]

Same behavior with host, except it doesn't resolve:

$ host -t CNAME asdf.schulhausplate.ch ns5.us
Host asdf.schulhausplate.ch not found: 2(SERVFAIL)

15:52:21.762398 IP 209.234.247.xx.56340 > 72.249.105.xx.domain:  48002+
CNAME? asdf.schulhausplate.ch. (40)
15:52:21.763337 IP 72.249.105.xx.domain > 209.234.247.xx.56340:  48002
ServFail- 1/0/0 CNAME[|domain]

Is this behavior because I don't have a recurser setup on the box?   It
seems the domain still resolves, it just gives odd behavior with 'host'
Any advice you can give would help a lot.

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