[Pdns-users] Poweradmin, supermasters and notifications

Curtis Maurand curtis at maurand.com
Mon Apr 6 13:26:21 UTC 2009


I have a poweradmin setup and have been using pdns for several years, 
but only recently started using the supermaster operations.

I have several domains that are type, "NATIVE"  I have been issuing 
updates to move some webhosts to other servers.  After making changes, 
the notifies to the slaves are not happening and automatic 
re-provisioning of the slave isn't happening either.

I have the master server set up as a master: "master=yes" and a slave: 
"slave=yes" and the same on the slave.

after using pdns_control notify, the slave got the notification, but 
thought it was up to date and I ended up having to run "pdns_control 
retrieve <domainname>" in order to get the updated data to transfer.

What gives?  I though all of this was supposed to happen automatically. 

I'm happy to provide more information if you need it.


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