[Pdns-users] NS caching bug reappears in recursor 3.1.6

Darren Gamble darren.gamble at sjrb.ca
Wed May 21 14:40:10 UTC 2008

Hi Brad,

> Are you using 3.1.6 or 3.1.6-1? There was a minor patch as of lately that could be your issue at
> hand.
For me, I simply downloaded the tarball off of the powerdns site, which is 3.1.6.

I certainly hope someone would not name a patch version "3.1.6-1", as this would interfere with package managers' naming conventions.

Darren Gamble
Systems Architect, Regional Services
Shaw Cablesystems GP
630 - 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4L4
(403) 781-4948

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