[Pdns-users] Supermaster XFER problem

Kieran Barnes kieran at bloke.org
Wed May 21 13:40:49 UTC 2008

I've had two DNS servers set up perfectly for a while now.
DNS1 being a supermaster and DNS2 receiving all it's updates from DNS2, 
quite straight forward.

I've attempted to setup DNS3 in the same manner as DNS2.
DNS3 is running all the same versions of pdns and mysql (I'm using the 
mysql backend) and the supermaster is set. I modified DNS1 to allow 
transfers to DNS3 as well.

But I am getting the following errors

May 21 14:39:23 adder pdns[28233]: 1 slave domain needs checking
May 21 14:39:23 adder pdns[28233]: No serial for '<any domain>' found - 
zone is missing?
May 21 14:39:23 adder pdns[28233]: Unable to AXFR zone '<any domain>': 
Remote nameserver unable/unwilling to AXFR with us: RCODE=5

I can't seem to figure out what RCODE=5 means.
Any suggestions?

Kieran Barnes

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