[Pdns-users] Single server for internal and external resolution

Matt Richards matt at mattstone.net
Sat Mar 8 17:28:42 UTC 2008

Hello again, 

Thinking about it I could just give the dns server multiple local IP
addresses and route DNS queries accordingly.



On Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 05:03:21PM +0000, Matt Richards wrote:
> Hello, 
> Is it possible with powerdns to give the ip address of the machine
> asking for the dns record to a perl script with the pipe back end ?
> So for example i'm thinking of using either mysql or ldap, if i use
> mysql I will have records like normal (all in a single table) with a
> location column, this column will either contain internal or external
> and I will pick out the internal value if the client is connecting from
> an IP that is in a local subnet.
> I can do all the coding in perl I just need to know how to get the
> clients address.
> Thanks,
> Matt.
> -- 
> Matt Richards

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