[Pdns-users] Re: pdns ldapbackend - axfr bug and "patch"

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at linuxnetworks.de
Sun Mar 2 12:11:27 UTC 2008

Hi Peter

> thanx for reply. This is "only" problem for nameservers, which handles
> domain and subdomain  on one system, because of ldap tree structure
> for correct work of actual pdns-backend-ldap.
> I think too, that correct sollution is
> filter = strbind( ":target:", "(&(associatedDomain=" + qesc +
> ")(SOARecord=*))", getArg( "filter-axfr" ) );
> LdapBackend::list_simple, but how to fix that in tree mode I don't know too
> (also I'm not interested in tree mode:).

Adding the check for the presence of the SOA record is a good idea and I 
already sent a patch to Bert, but it won't solve your problem. If you add a 
zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" below "168.192.in-addr.arpa" in your LDAP 
directory as subtree, AXFR transfers of "168.192.in-addr.arpa" will still 
include those records from "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa".

The only solution is to use "simple" mode and store "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" 
at the same level as "168.192.in-addr.arpa" in the LDAP tree.

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