[Pdns-users] Desaster recovery of primary nameserver

Jeroen Wunnink jeroen at easyhosting.nl
Wed Dec 10 08:33:48 UTC 2008

Just a small idea (untested):

Change the zones on the secondary nameserver to type master, make the 
former master a clean and freshly installed slave and add the other 
nameserver as a supermaster in the supermasters table on the new slave..

Now do a pdns_control notify on all domains with something like this in 
the shell:

mysql -updns -ppassword pdns -e 'select name from domains' -N | awk 
'{print $1}' | while read i ; do pdns_control notify $i ; echo notified 
$i ; sleep 1 ; done

This will do a notify to all nameservers with a 1 second interval, if 
the zone doesn't exist it will transfer it, and except for the MBOX, URL 
and CURL records you should be able to do a  near full recovery.

Thorsten Ott wrote:
> Hi,
> I run powerdns as primary and secondary nameserver. The primary 
> nameserver runs mysql as backend while the secondary nameserver is 
> working with the sqlite backend.
> Recently my primary nameserver's domains table crashed due to a lack 
> of disk space. What's left of it is the .frm file. The secondary ns is 
> still operating smoothly.
> Could anyone advise me what would be the best way to fill my primary 
> ns with the data of the secondary nameserver?
> Thanks for any suggestions.
>             Thorsten
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Met vriendelijke groet,

Jeroen Wunnink,
EasyHosting B.V. Systeembeheerder
systeembeheer at easyhosting.nl

telefoon:+31 (035) 6285455              Postbus 48
fax: +31 (035) 6838242                  3755 ZG Eemnes


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