[Pdns-users] Book ideas

Rudolph Bott rb at megabit.net
Tue Sep 25 21:05:58 UTC 2007

Laureano, Ed schrieb:
> Will you be including how to install a web based control interface as 

Unfortunatly there are not many of them - are there?
I would be happy to be convinced of the opposite ;) I've tested some of the few out there and found none of them suitable to my needs (I'm employed at a small/mid-sized ISP - there's no need for having lots of different user accounts, user management, quotas etc. as we manage domains by ourselfs).

> well?  If yes Ill buy the bookmmmm:)
> --------------------------
> Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Device
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: pdns-users-bounces at mailman.powerdns.com 
> <pdns-users-bounces at mailman.powerdns.com>
> To: pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com <pdns-users at mailman.powerdns.com>
> Sent: Sat Sep 22 13:03:34 2007
> Subject: [Pdns-users] Book ideas
> I have started working on a book focused primarily on authoritative DNS
> servers (PowerDNS, MaraDNS, MyDNS) as well as BIND with the SDB back-end
> and DLZ BIND. The book shall *not* be a "this server is better than that
> one" but rather an insight into the individual programs, their features,
> strengths, and perhaps also their weaknesses.
> I intend to also focus on LDAP and SQL back-ends (where applicable) and
> concentrate mainly on authoritative servers, only slightly touching on
> recursive name servers.
> I've contacted the maintainers of the programs asking whether they know
> of any books which discuss these programs, and some of them have
> answered my query. :-)
> You could help to turn this project into something useful by giving me
> pointers on which topics (for the individual name server software) you
> would consider most useful to have included in a book. I'm also open to
> any ideas you might have or perhaps even wishes for topics.
> Thank you.
>         -JP
> --
> Jan-Piet Mens
> http://fupps.com
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Mit freundlichen GrÌßen / with kind regards

Rudolph Bott
Megabit Informationstechnik GmbH
Karstr.25  41068 Moenchengladbach  Tel:02161/30898-0  Fax:-18
AG MG HRB 10141, GF: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Tillig, Michael Benten

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