[Pdns-users] pdns_recursor stops getting queries on Solaris 10 sparc

Christian Kuehn christian.kuehn at mcs.de
Wed Sep 12 13:22:32 UTC 2007


we found the same problem and it looks like a problem with Sol10.

Our fix was a small change in sysdeps/SunOS.inc

ifeq ($(CC),cc)

LDFLAGS+=-lresolv -lsocket -lnsl
OS_SPECIFIC_INSTALL=mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/init.d ; cp pdns-recursor.init.d $(D


#optional/portsmplexer.o: portsmplexer.cc
#       $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@  ; true

Good luck!


Alex Kiernan wrote:
> I ran into this problem on a live box, so I ended up backing out and
> going back to bind, but I've grabbed a set of queries which reproduce
> the problem (eventually).
> When it stops doing stuff it, it looks like its not getting new queries:
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> port_getn(7, 0x0012D108, 1024, 1, 0xFFBEF44C)   = 0 [62]
> But it seems like it only happens after ~250K queries. I'm pushing my
> queries at it using UDP (using perl ParaDNS), once it has given up,
> its only the UDP queries which break - TCP still works.
> Any pointers where to start looking?

Christian Kühn
(Technical Consultant / Hostmaster)

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