[Pdns-users] ZoneAdmin-0.2-Beta1 released

Rudolph Bott rb at megabit.net
Thu Sep 27 10:38:49 UTC 2007

Hey Folks,

I have just released a new BETA version of ZoneAdmin:

This release brings some brand new and untested features:

- adding slave zones
- editing/deleting multiple records at once
- removed javascript "popup" when invalid characters have been entered in a text field

Please spend a few minutes on testing these new features and report any bugs (hopefully none :) ) to the sf.net BugTracker!
However please remember that this is a BETA release containing some new features which are untested and might mess up your data - I don't expect this to happen at all but you'll never know ;)

If you're willing to give it a try please point your browser to http://sf.net/projects/ZoneAdmin and take a look at the download section!

Mit freundlichen GrÌßen / with kind regards

Rudolph Bott
Megabit Informationstechnik GmbH
Karstr.25  41068 Moenchengladbach  Tel:02161/30898-0  Fax:-18
AG MG HRB 10141, GF: Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Tillig, Michael Benten

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