[Pdns-users] DynamicDNS/IXFR/Notify support?

Rene Bartsch ML at Bartschnet.de
Fri Oct 12 12:41:29 UTC 2007


We're running MyDNS and ISC DHCPD 3.x on a subnet with public ip
addresses, but want to switch back to PowerDNS.

That means we need support for:

1. DynamicDNS (RFC 2136) to update the host IPs by DHCPD

2. Notify (RFC 1996) to notify the secondary DNS service of zone changes

3. IXFR (RFC 1995) to keep traffic/bandwith low

Does PowerDNS support all three RFCs?

Does it support them with the MySQL-backend (beginning at which version of

Thanx for any hint

Rene Bartsch

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