[Pdns-users] Problems with zone2sql

Dave Strydom strydom.dave at gmail.com
Tue May 22 14:20:22 UTC 2007


I seem to be having a problem with zone2sql

Titan named # zone2sql --gmysql --named-conf=/etc/named.conf

Fatal error: Error in bind configuration '/etc/named.conf' on line 2:
syntax error

these are the first 2 lines of /etc/named.conf

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        allow-transfer {"none";};
        allow-recursion {;; };
        version "KTHX DNS SERVER - Version: kthx-0.1 BETA";

I have even removed all the options so the file ONLY contains the zone
information and I still get an error on line 2 :-/

The version I am using is  2.9.20 on Gentoo linux.

Any ideas?

Dave Strydom

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