[Pdns-users] New PowerDNS Release.

Augie Schwer augie.schwer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 18:41:51 UTC 2007

On 3/1/07, bert hubert <bert.hubert at netherlabs.nl> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 03:54:40PM -0800, Augie Schwer wrote:
> > Is there (or can there be) a public list of what bugs are going to get
> > squashed in the new auth. release?
> The main thing is TCP/IP stability and performance, plus memory leaks.
> For the rest, speak up what your worst bugs are!

This ones a pretty easy fix and silly that it's been a bug for so long:


This one is a must have for any ISP:


These seem related and make PowerDNS pretty much unusable for zones
with wildcards:


Augie Schwer    -    Augie at Schwer.us    -    http://schwer.us
Key fingerprint = 9815 AE19 AFD1 1FE7 5DEE 2AC3 CB99 2784 27B0 C072

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