[Pdns-users] pdns get killed my the operating system?

trietz trietz at t-ipnet.net
Tue Mar 6 15:36:05 UTC 2007


im try to test pdns to replace bind on our three nameservers. The main 
job of these servers is to answer reverse lookups.
They handle a lot of zones. Bind takes 4.7 gb of memory. I use the bind 
backend for pdns.

When i start pdns in the monitor mode i can see it start to parse the 
zone files succesfully.  The memory usage  of pdns grows  and when
the system memory reach more than 4.5 gb the pdns process get killed 
with the following message:

Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: Got a signal 11, attempting to print 
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: pdns_server [0x80b2de7]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: [0xffffe420]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: /lib/libz.so.1(inflateEnd+0x1c) 
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: /lib/libz.so.1 [0xb7fb985f]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: /lib/libz.so.1 [0xb7fb9c1f]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN10ZoneParser5parseERKSsS1_j+0x10a4) [0x8115ac4]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN12Bind2Backend10loadConfigEPSs+0xbab) [0x81042db]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN12Bind2BackendC1ERKSs+0x167) [0x8106497]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN12Bind2Factory4makeERKSs+0x29) [0x810ec39]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN17BackendMakerClass3allEv+0x19e) [0x80a46be]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN12UeberBackendC1ERKSs+0x121) [0x80c1671]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN13PacketHandlerC1Ev+0x2f) [0x807e7af]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: 
pdns_server(_ZN13TCPNameserver2goEv+0xcb) [0x808aedb]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: pdns_server(_Z10mainthreadv+0x3fd) 
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: pdns_server(main+0x3ed7) [0x80bc047]
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xcd) 
Mar  6 15:43:21 dns04 pdns[3046]: pdns_server(__gxx_personality_v0+0xe5) 

Has pdns a memory limit in the bind backend? Or is it maybe a limit from 
the os?
The signal 11 seems to be a failure of an invalid memory reference.
Output of man 7 signal:

SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,

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