[Pdns-users] Problems with godbc and windows

Thiago Peres Thiago.Peres at locaweb.com.br
Thu Jan 18 17:14:31 UTC 2007

I have a problem with pdns. When I add a zone in my primary server I
receive this message from pdns:

Created new slave zone 'zzz.com' from supermaster xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,
queued axfr
AXFR started for 'zzz.com', transaction started
Communicator thread died because of error: Database failed to start
transaction: Could not execute query.

When it tries to sychronize with master, I receive the same message:

No serial for 'zzzzd.f' found - zone is missing?
AXFR started for 'zzzzd.f', transaction started
Communicator thread died because of error: Database failed to start
transaction: Could not execute query.

Can someone help me?

Thiago Morello Peres

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