[Pdns-users] PDNS 2.9.20: Unable to AXFR via IPv6 ("denied")

Julian Mehnle julian at mehnle.net
Wed Jan 17 15:33:17 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I'm having trouble making AXFRs to my authoritative PDNS server via IPv6:

| $ dig AXFR mehnle.net @::1
| ; <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>> AXFR mehnle.net @::1
| ; (1 server found)
| ;; global options:  printcmd
| ; Transfer failed.
| $ dig AXFR mehnle.net @2001:608:5::2
| ; <<>> DiG 9.3.2-P1 <<>> AXFR mehnle.net @2001:608:5::2
| ; (1 server found)
| ;; global options:  printcmd
| ; Transfer failed.

Syslog says:

| pdns[26902]: AXFR of domain 'mehnle.net' denied to ::1
| pdns[26902]: AXFR of domain 'mehnle.net' denied to 2001:608:5::2

However, doing the same queries via IPv4 ( or works

AXFR-related details from my config file:

| $ sudo grep axfr /etc/powerdns/pdns.conf
| # allow-axfr-ips    If enabled, restrict zonetransfers to originate from these
| # allow-axfr-ips=
| # disable-axfr  Disable zonetransfers but do allow TCP queries
| # disable-axfr=yes
| # strict-rfc-axfrs      Perform strictly rfc compliant axfrs (very slow)
| # strict-rfc-axfrs=no

I.e., no "*axfr*" options are set.

Any idea what's going on here?

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