[Pdns-users] Problem with monitor

Aurelien de Beauchesne aurelien.de-beauchesne at netc.net
Wed Dec 5 20:40:28 UTC 2007

Hi !

I've just installed PowerDNS on my server.
I followed the instructions in the manual, so I changed the pdns.conf 
file to test my installation. I ran /etc/init.d/pdns monitor and I tried 
the different commamd purposed. Noone ofthis ran so I quit monitor by 
the "quit" command.Since this moment, if I  execute /etc/init.d/pdns 
monitor, i receive the Message "already running". But, below in the 
manual, there are instruction to configure database connectivity. In 
this paragraph, they ask me to change pdns.conf with the right data to 
connect the database, and the, run /etc/init.d/pdns monitor. But, I 
can't because of the message "already running"

How can I resolve this problem ?



PS : Sorry for the mistakes in the language, I'm french ;)

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