[Pdns-users] Disable a record instend of deleting it?

Jeff Fisher guppy at techmonkeys.org
Sat May 27 00:48:30 UTC 2006

Bill Crenshaw wrote:
> Works like a charm!
> Just added a 'and status='1' in all the record queries
> found in gmysqlbackend.cc and recompiled.

You can do this without recompiling anything -- which is what Alan was 
saying when he told you about custom queries.

There are a variety of gmysql-*-query variables you can put into the 
pdns.conf and they are all documented.

Here is an example of one:

gmysql-basic-query=SELECT DR.content,DR.ttl,DR.prio,DR.type,D.id,DR.name 
FROM user U, domains D, dns_records DR WHERE U.id = D.user_id AND D.id = 
DR.domain_id AND U.status NOT IN ('deleted', 'deleting', 'cancelled') 
AND D.dns = 'Y' AND DR.type = '%s' AND DR.name = '%s'


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