[Pdns-users] AXFR Query Source IP

Flavio Curti lists.fcu at no-way.org
Mon Jul 31 07:54:51 UTC 2006


On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 09:45:47AM +0200, Flavio Curti wrote:
> Is there any way to set the source ip of AXFR Queries? I migrated my
> name-server to a new server and have the ip's as alias interfaces.
> Using the local-address configuration directive I can set where pdns
> listens for ns requests, however AXFR Queries seem to go out from the
> servers real ip address... Is there any way around this?

Sorry for not reading the docs, I found the query-local-address
directive just now.

Thank you and kind regards

Flavio Curti


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