[Pdns-users] Customizing queries

Steve Sobol sjsobol at JustThe.net
Wed Oct 26 05:16:41 UTC 2005

I've created a custom MySQL schema, and want to set up the appropriate 
queries in pdns.conf. I'm getting an error message

Oct 26 01:00:22 amethyst pdns[31925]: Fatal error: Trying to set unexisting 
parameter 'info-all-slaves-query'

I'm using 2.9.16 (Linux) and the parameter is in pdns.conf. Do I need to 
upgrade to a newer version? Do I need to specify the queries on the command 

Steve Sobol, Professional Geek   888-480-4638   PGP: 0xE3AE35ED
Company website: http://JustThe.net/
Personal blog, resume, portfolio: http://SteveSobol.com/
E: sjsobol at JustThe.net Snail: 22674 Motnocab Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307

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