[Pdns-users] question about precursor

Michiel van Es michiele at info.nl
Thu Oct 6 12:04:17 UTC 2005

I am using pdns 2.9.18 and only want to use the pdns_recursor (caching 
recursive dns server).
I installed pdns/precursor with:
wget -q 
tar zxvf boost*.tar.gz 1>/dev/null 2>&1
cp -rp boost_1_33_0 /usr/local/
./configure --enable-recursor --enable-pdns_server 
make 1>/dev/null 2>&1
make install 1>/dev/null 2>&1
cp -rp pdns/precursor /etc/init.d/precursor
chmod +x /etc/init.d/precursor
chkconfig precursor on
I then just run service precursor start (start only the precursor 
server) and it works great..but after a few concurrent connections it 
-pdns_recursor doesn't run anymore as daemon
-/var/run/precursor.pid exists

I want to debug pdns-recursor.
I want to use the --trace option and I use it with:
/usr/local/sbin/pdns_recursor --trace=/var/log/pdns.log

OS: red Hat Enterprise 4.1 (centos 4.1)
CPU; intel xeon and dual p3 550 Mhz
Memory: 512 and 1 GB

Can anyone point me where I can find why pdns_recursor crashes?

I just want to have a fast caching recursive nameserver :)

Thanks for any help!

Kind Regards,


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