[Pdns-users] New OpenDBX backend for PowerDNS

Norbert Sendetzky norbert at linuxnetworks.de
Sat Oct 1 14:07:57 UTC 2005

Hi all

I've implemented a new PowerDNS backend based on the OpenDBX database 
abstraction library available at http://www.linuxnetworks.de/opendbx/

It implements all features available in the gmysqlbackend and is tuned for 
speed and high availability.

Some features:
- Can use all DBs supported by the OpenDBX library
- Can loadbalance by distributing queries to multiple database server
- Is HA capable if multiple database server are used
- Tuned for speed (0,5 to 3 percent faster for lookups than gmysqlbackend)
- Zone transfers are 30% faster than by gmysqlbackend
- Check for updated masters or slaves is much faster if you serve many domains
- Extensions to the SQL statements used can contain the same placeholders
- More than one statement per query is allowed

Feel free to give it a try :-)

OpenPGP public key

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