[Pdns-users] slave=no, smartmasters and AXFRs

Frank Louwers frank at openminds.be
Thu May 12 10:32:32 UTC 2005


We have the following pdns setup:

ns2: "main" powerdns server, gmysql backend, mysql db on localhost,
serving as mysql-master. Scripts feed the database. We also have clients
that we provide secundary dns for, via the supermaster mechanism. Has
"slave = yes" in the config file.

ns1 and ns3: "secondary" powerdns servers, gmysql backend, mysql dbs on
localhost, using mysql-replication from ns2. They have "slave = no" in
the config file.

Every once in a while, replication gets fucked up. I traced the problem
to the following: although ns1 and ns3 have "slave = no" in the
configfile, they do seem to do AXFR-transfers from our clients!

This goes in the ns1-logfiles:
May 12 07:50:50 ns1 pdns[15516]: No serial for 'XXXXXXXXXX.be'
found - zone is missing?
May 12 07:50:50 ns1 pdns[15516]: AXFR started for
'XXXXXXXXXX.be', transaction started
May 12 07:50:50 ns1 pdns[15516]: AXFR done for 'XXXXXXXXXXX.be'
zone committed

Is this normal behaviour? How do I disable the smartmaster behaviour on
ns1/ns3? Isn't "slave = no" enough to disable it?

Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers

Openminds bvba                www.openminds.be
Tweebruggenstraat 16  -  9000 Gent  -  Belgium

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